Nose Jobs Are No Longer a Big Deal. Seriously.

Did you know that rapper Iggy Azalea has had a nose job? It’s true. And she doesn’t even care that you know. In fact, she wants you to know.Most of us realize that celebrities don’t shy away from plastic surgery, but they don’t often share the details behind their physical changes. But Azalea is a celebrity who thinks plastic surgery should be embraced and recognized as a norm in modern society. “I wanted to change my nose because I didn’t grow up with a bump on it – that happened when I got smashed in the face with a soccer ball when I was 16,” she recently revealed in an interview with Elle Canada. “Now I feel like my nose looks the way it’s supposed to look. But for how long do we have to acknowledge that I got a nose job?” she added.Nose jobs are no longer a big deal. Seriously. I have performed over 7,500 rhinoplasties at my offices in New York and New Jersey, and each patient had a unique and personal reason for choosing the procedure. For some, it is a result of low self-esteem or years of rude comments. Others come to the office for medical reasons or, like Azalea, following an accident.A different nose can make you feel more like yourself and more confident—and I work hard to ensure that your new look is one that is a genuine reflection of you and how you feel about yourself. So why do we shy away from talking about them and the changes they bring—both inside and out? It’s time for a new rhetoric. You don’t need to hide your nose job or feel ashamed of it. In fact, you should embrace it and how it makes you feel. The fact of the matter is that a nose job is a personal choice that, as Azalea and others note, you don’t need to justify to anyone.“I think, in 2016, people should be more accepting of the fact that both famous and non-famous women are having cosmetic procedures,” Azalea said in the interview. “That’s just the reality.Making a change to your appearance is a serious consideration, but if worries over how your family, friends, coworkers or the general public will react when they see a change in your nose are the only thing stopping you from having a procedure, perhaps it’s time to think like Iggy Azalea and disregard their misguided remarks. After all, the decision to have cosmetic surgery is entirely yours, and meant for you alone.


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